Welcome to my Blog

Are you filled with more questions than answers? frustrated with what's happening in the world?
Then you're ready for your own personal Renaissance.

This blog offers insights from my books, including my new book, Your Personal Renaissance. .

I'll add posts on how to persevere in the light of personal, political, and planetary challenges--and I welcome your questions and comments.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

State of the Union: 1998 and 2010

"For 209 years, it has been the president's duty to report to you on the state of the union. Because of the hard work and high purpose of the American people. . . we have more than fourteen million new jobs, the lowest unemployment in 24 years, the lowest core inflation in 30 years, incomes are rising, . . . crime has dropped for a record five years in a row, and the welfare rolls are at their lowest in 27 years. Our leadership in the world is unrivaled. Ladies and gentlemen, the state of our union is strong.For three decades, six presidents have come before you to warn of the damage deficits pose to our nation. Tonight, I come before you to announce that the federal deficit, once so incomprehensibly large that it has eleven zeros, will be simply zero. "

These were Democratic President Bill Clinton's words in 1998. Now, after 8 years of disastrous Republican policies under George W. Bush, our current president has inherited an enormous deficit, an illegal war, an economic crisis, and an epidemic of cynicism, distrust, and despair. As President Obama seeks to move America forward again, Republican extremists are trying to undermine him.

Let's stop this Republican war against the American people, encourage our elected officials to get back to the work of representing us, and give Barack Obama--and America--a chance to create a better future.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Insights for today from ancient China

Taoism was developed over 25 centuries ago, around 530 BCE, during the warring states period in ancient China, a time of challenge and change much like our own. Lao Tzu wrote the Tao Te Ching, a book of 81 poems translated more than any book in the world except the Bible, offering principles especially relevant to us today. Lao Tzu and Confucius were contemporaries. Each came up with his own response to challenging times. Confucius emphasized ritual, obedience, and observation of social rules, while Lao Tzu studied nature, basing his philosophy upon the interrelatedness of all things, the patterns of energy within and around us.

Taoism has always appealed to creative thinkers, artists and innovators, such as Hegel, Dag Hammarskjold, Abraham Maslow, Frank Lloyd Wright, and Carl Rogers, who carried in his wallet this quote from the Tao:

With the best of leaders,
When the work is done,
The project completed,
The people all say
"We did it ourselves."
(Tao, 17)

In the spirit of Tao leadership, I'm delighted to link to a new blog that Rebecca has begun, meditating on Tao principles from my book, The Tao of Inner Peace.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Fascinating read

In Search of Bill Clinton: A Psychological Biography In Search of Bill Clinton: A Psychological Biography by John Gartner

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Carefully researched, beautifully written biography, fascinating psychological analysis of a complex personality and one of the most compelling leaders of our time.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Don't give up

Disheartened and disappointed by the Massachusetts senate election, the conflict and confusion in our world, I draw strength from the example of Winston Churchill.

Don't give up in challenging times.

As great leaders have always realized, we overcome the darkness and disappointment around us by increasing the light within us. Our greatest natural resources are our hearts and minds.